How to market your product in the Reddit comments

This method is so under-utilized

Another way to find users on Reddit is in the comments section.

You can sometimes get a higher conversion rate by commenting on posts compared to writing posts.

This strategy focuses on using the traffic of that Reddit thread to bring eyes to your product.

This worked well for me and my friends, so I think everyone should try this strategy.

This is part of a series about how to market on Reddit:

Part 1: how to find your users on Reddit

Part 2: How to write a marketing post on Reddit

Part 3: How to market your product in the Reddit comments

Part 4: How to convert engaged Reddit users to customers

Estimated reading time: 1 min 43 sec


Hey I’m Miguel!

I'm a new grad software engineer living in NYC and a part-time indie hacker. I built Journey Plus, an interface for Midjourney, that was recently acquired!

I used to be a pre-med student, but then I switched to computer science in the spring of 2021, my sophomore year. That's how I got started writing code.

I started with C++, and now I'm mainly building web apps with Next.js, TypeScript, and Supabase.

How to find posts to comment on

A tool I found recently is f5bot, it’s a free service that emails you when your chosen keywords are mentioned on Reddit.

You can use this tool to watch for Reddit posts or comments where people are talking about your niche and product.

This makes it much easier to find posts you should comment on.

My criteria for posts to comment on are this:

  • relevant subreddit

  • more than 4 upvotes

  • less than 3 comments

These posts are gaining traction and there is still room to contribute to the discussion.

How to comment

You want to give as much value as you can in your comment.

I usually aim for 100-word comments, and for every 100 words, I include a relevant link.

Your goal here is to help people while also promoting a product that will solve their problems.

Keep it simple.

SEO Implications

Reddit also shows up on Google search results, so getting top comment on a thread greatly increases your chances of getting users to your product.

The comment also becomes evergreen content that future users from Google will see.

If you make this strategy a habit, you get two channels (SEO + Reddit) for the price of one activity, commenting on posts.

If you haven’t, you can also find me on Twitter where I tweet about indie hacking, side projects, and code!


or to participate.