How to convert engaged Reddit users to customers

If you nail this, it will make it so easy to get paying customers

Now that people are listening to you on Reddit, it’s time to turn them into customers.

It’s important that you nurture this relationship here, Reddit users can smell from a mile away when you’re hard-selling them on something.

Keep it casual and they will be a lot less defensive as you show them your product.

This is part of a series about how to market on Reddit:

Part 1: how to find your users on Reddit

Part 2: How to write a marketing post on Reddit

Part 3: How to market your product in the Reddit comments

Part 4: How to convert engaged Reddit users to customers

Estimated reading time: 1 min 55 sec


Hey I’m Miguel!

I'm a new grad software engineer living in NYC and a part-time indie hacker. I built Journey Plus, an interface for Midjourney, that was recently acquired!

I used to be a pre-med student, but then I switched to computer science in the spring of 2021, my sophomore year. That's how I got started writing code.

I started with C++, and now I'm mainly building web apps with Next.js, TypeScript, and Supabase.

Get in the DMs

You want to move your conversations from the comments to the DMs to deepen the relationship.

It means that they are interested in who you are and what you have to offer.

There are a lot fewer distractions, it’s only him/her and you.

Show them why you care

Think about the reason why you built this product.

It was to help people with their problems right? You wouldn’t have built it if you did it for any other reason.

Show them why you care about solving their problem, you can do it in a few different ways:

  • Talk about your struggles with the problem

  • Tell them how it can get them to where they want to be

  • Tell them how it can make their life a little bit easier

Keep it simple.

Be transparent

Transparency is a common value for all Redditors.

They came to the platform to have an authentic experience talking about the topics they enjoy, not to be sold to.

Being transparent will benefit you in the long term by upholding your brand on Reddit.

This is the key part especially since Redditors can be very strict with who they interact with.

Becoming a trusted voice in a subreddit will bring you lots of value for your business.

We’re all humans in the end

This is an underlying fact that we don’t acknowledge enough.

The internet has made it easy to become anonymous.

This makes it hard to make people accountable for how they interact on the internet.

Talk to these Redditors like you’re talking to a friend recommending a product.

It will make it a lot easier for both of you.

If you haven’t, you can also find me on Twitter where I tweet about indie hacking, side projects, and code!


or to participate.